So, Gabe brings the idea to me to make "Breakfast Cake." He was inspired by breakfast casserole a few weeks ago, and intrigued by the concept of bringing more inappropriate things to breakfast time. It's a good thing the Idea Man lives with the Implementer.
This thing is chock-full of breakfast...
Started off with thawing some frozen Italian sausage Brown up that sausage a bit
That looks plenty good
Chop up some red, yellow and orange peppers
That's a colorful bunch
Some awesome sharp white cheddar
Cheese is grated
The missing ingredients... including cake pans. Also, these are not my World of Warcraft cards.
Gabe is back with the groceries
8 eggs, 2 cups of Bisquick, 2 cups of milk, whisked briskly
Add peppers
And onions
And Italian sausage
Stir it all together... but this doesn't seem done yet...
Ah, bacon. Now we're on the right track.
Let's just stir that in
Don't forget that cheese. Add about a handful or two
Tough as it may be, stir away.
This is about where the doubts start creeping in.
Add some spices (garlic, cumin, oregano, white pepper, paprika, red pepper, kosher salt)
Whisk whisk whisk!
Mmmmmm, that's a beautiful bowl of vomit.
The kitten is uninterested.
Pam up some of those brand new cake pans
Scoop the vomitous blobs into the cake pans
Yeah. Plan on eating that later.
Cover in tin foil, throw in the oven at 375 for, like, an hour.
May as well go mow the lawn
Cakes are getting close, time to start getting going again.
Time to cook up that country gravy. Yeah, it's packets, but we're not puritans around here. Instead of 2 packets and 4 cups of water, we used 2 packets, 1 cup of water, 2 cups of milk and an egg... for some reason.
Breakfast wouldn't be breakfast without beer and coffee
This is looking good. The toothpick comes out clean.
No cooling rack, but we have super cheepo pans
OMG OMG OMG! This is about the point where we realized that this may actually be possible. You're basically looking at a stiff enough quiche to support another layer.
Touch. Sproing.
More bacon, fried up in the microwave, chopped and mixed with some onions to sauté.
The other, thicker cake half came out just as beautiful as the first. Time to begin the 'icing' process. The country gravy thickened up awful nicely.
The bottom half is covered with a nice healthy layer of country gravy.
Time to add a layer of Italian sausage.
Here's that bacon and onions. We'll throw that into the middle layer.
Oh, don't forget the cheese
Just want to bake this up for about 5 minutes to melt the cheese and get things gellin' a little
It looks good! Transfer it to its final serving place
Take the top half, flip it and cover with another layer of 'icing'
Sammich the whole works together
Mmmm, cake burger
The icing process begins
More icing
Doesn't that look great?
The cat, still, could not care less
Let's seal that last little bit up
Now Kayla comes along to work the decoration tip. Plastic baggie, filled with remaining gravy, with a corner cut out.
Squirt squirt
Pretty pretty
Took the remaining peppers and softened them up a bit over low heat for decoration
Oh my god that's a cake
Well, we have remaining sausage. At this point, we're just playing with our food
Decorating crew
Holy hell
Is so pretty. And packed full of delicious.
Adding the peppers and bacon for a little color. Top it off with some Red Hot for color, and we're golden
Enjoy it while you still have arteries, you fools
Time to cut it. Is this actually going to work?
That is a damned cake.
Dish up! It's only 6:30PM and we're already having breakfast!
This looks surprisingly like a cake.
No baking and bacon experience would be complete without Michael. So we had him drive up from Issaquah to join us.
I am literally filled with joy in cake form
Apprehensive girl is apprehensive.
Gabe is less apprehensive.
The remainder so far.
It was delicious. It was so so delicious. This was a day I feel I can be proud of forever. I can die knowing I've accomplished something great in this world. I'm assuming it'll be tonight when my heart realizes the futility of trying to keep up with my taste buds.
Ok, that's awesome, but I have two questions!
1) How did it taste?
2) Where is the recipe!
That looks seriously amazing. Must try it sometime....
And who says guys can't cook? Breakfast Cake - an idea who's time has come.
awesome and inspiring achievement. here is a link to a thread with a gal so inspired that she tried it, and IMO it looks like hers is coming out better than yours did. check it out, pics start on page two.
OK, give - what is the recipe. My arteries are the on ly healthy things I have. But don't think it will hurt the blood sugar tooo much ;)
K Lauborough's Mom
I have been a vegetarian all my life, and spent the day making your awesome bacon cake.
I followed your recipe (minus onions and a little chunkier) since DM00 posted a link on our forum... :)
My boyfriend and his coworkers ate the shit out of it, and I have been asked to make another one for a birthday party next month.
Thanks so much for your insanity ;)
you forgot the part where you were stoned when you came up with the idea - how else would you start this zany project??
Ha, nice, Aussie.
I can honestly say that not I, nor anybody involved, partook of any illicit chemicals in the inception, construction or consumption parts of the process. Only beer and coffee.
But, yes, that would be my first reaction if a stranger told me this plan.
no weed? Then my hat sir, is definitely off to you. That is an extremely bizarre and strangely appealing concoction! Most people would never come up with anything half as creative as this stoned out of their minds :) Are you or any of your friends apprentice (or accomplished) chef's? I might just have to try this recipie . . .
Chefs? No.
Just a couple of software developers in Redmond.
But I was taught by my momma well.
Thanks for the shout-out.
Redmond Washington? Do you work for big bad Bill? Perhaps the creativity of your cooking is an attempt by your subconscious mind to balance the banality of your software :D
[posted on a MacBook Pro (blah - work comp) running Vista in BootCamp - because it's not perfect but it's way better than OSX!]
so, i'm sitting at my at my desk in dallas, tx far away from my true Washington home and my coworker sends this to me. i scroll down the page, wide-eyed and entertained. such creativity! such fun! and then i read the part about issaquah and realize YOU ARE MY PEOPLE. i heart quirky PNWers. keep up the good work.
This post is brilliance. The comments are comical art. I totally jacked your content because those who can't 'do', 'share'.
I don't know whether to vomit or head to the kitchen to try the recipe. I love breakfast sausage and gravy. And Bisquick should be given the Nobel peace prize.
Wow. A friend of mine sent this link. He makes a dish for a pot luck every Sunday at a bar I used to work at. He might just do it! I think it's brilliant! I am astonished. Dum-dilly-icuos.
My boyfriend sent me the link and I have made it twice so far. It is so delicious I can't imagine anything else ever tasting better.
Brett, your father has never been more proud of you! Martha what's her name from Living whatever move over. I am concerned about thick arteries though. Keep up the awesome inventions! Love Dad
Congratulations on your smashing cake, and great photojournalism too! For those who miss Jolly Old England and their greasy breakfasts here is our sister ship, the British Breakfast Pizza (remove line returns in url):
this is now my new 'death row' last meal.
My boyfriend's birthday is this weekend. He originally wanted a small log cabin built out of bacon, but I found this! He's getting the Breakfast Cake! Thank you for doing the Lord's work!
I think I just threw up a little in my mouth and swallowed it. Still probably tastes better than this thing though. :P
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